Crystal and Flint is 1!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Crystal and Flint’s publication. It’s a crazy feeling knowing that my work has been out in the world for that long, something I had dreamed about and worked at for years. There are still moments when I’m working on The Journey Mission Series where it feels like these characters and the world I’ve created and just mine, but they come less and less these days. I’m sharing them with the world and overall people really seem to like them, which is an incredible feeling.

I was at a craft show last weekend setting up my table when from across the room I heard someone yelling, “That better be the second book.” It took me a second to spot where the voice came from, but when I finally spotted her it made my day. It was a woman I had met in January where our tables were next to each other. After spending the talking, she had purchased Crystal and Flint at the end of the day. She told me she went home and read the whole book the next day. It blew me away. It’s one of those memories I’ll file away and bring out on the days where I start to feel like my writing is crap and no one cares.

A lot has happened in the year since Crystal and Flint was published. Probably the biggest has been the publication of the second book in the series, Family Binds. A book which I might love a little more than Crystal and Flint if I’m being completely honest. I’ve also written the first draft of Book 3, Thicker Than Blood, and am in the middle of doing a massive rewrite so that I can have it to all of you in the first half on next year. I’ve been able to do a handful of signing events and a few speaking engagements in person and on YouTube thanks to my friend Renee Dugan who has had me on her channel a few times. I’ve made some amazing new connections in the writing community and I’ve seen long time writer friends get closer to or achieve their dream of publication.

Overall it’s been an pretty incredible year and I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for me. So happy book Birthday Crystal and Flint, you’re the book that made my dreams of being a published author come true and you’ll always hold a special place in my heart.

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